De:Lithe Last Memories

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Install & Update

You can download De:Lithe LastMemories for Windows here.

Version:1.21.144   Updated:2025/02/14 10:43

How to install

The procedure for performing the installation of the Windows version is as follows.


Click the button below to download the "LastMemories_setup" installer.


Double-click the downloaded installer to launch it.

*File names vary from version to version.


Select the language to be used during installation and press OK.


Select the destination folder and press "Next".


To create a desktop icon, check the box and press "Next".


If you are satisfied with the installation settings, press "Install".

After pressing "Install," depending on your PC environment, a dialog may appear asking "Do you want to allow this application to make changes to your device?" If so, please select "Yes".


Please wait a moment as the installation starts.


After installation is complete, press "Finish" to complete the setup process.

*If you do not wish to start the program immediately afterwards, please uncheck the box and complete the process.

How to Keyconfig


Please press the following button to download the "keyconfig.ini" file.


Open the installation folder of "De:Lithe Last Memories"

Default Installation Path:
C:\Program Files\GeekOut\LastMemories


Move the "keyconfig.ini" file you just downloaded into the opened folder.

Note: When moving the file, you may see a dialog saying "Administrator permission is required to move this folder" depending on your PC environment. In such cases, select "Continue."


Right-click the "keyconfig.ini" file and click "Edit" to open the file.


You can change the key configuration by editing the values to the right of the "=" for each action type.

*For action types, refer to the "Action Type List" at the bottom of the webpage.
*For key codes, refer to the "Key Code List" at the bottom of the webpage.


Once you’ve made the key configuration changes, click "File" → "Save" to save the file and close it. The key configuration is now complete.

Action Type List

Action Type Description Default Key
Keyboard Gamepad
MoveLeft Move (Left) A -
MoveRight Move (Right) D -
MoveUp Move (Up) W -
MoveDown Move (Down) S -
Attack Normal Attack V Action2
Skill1 Skill1 Q Action1
Skill2 Skill2 E Action3
Skill3 Skill3 R Action4
Skill4 Skill4 Key1 -
Skill5 Skill5 Key2 -
Skill6 Skill6 Key3 -
SkillSub Skill Support - RightTrigger
Dash Dash Space RightBumper
CameraChange Camera Switch - RightStickButton
CameraZoomIn Camera (Zoom In) - LeftTrigger
CameraZoomOut Camera (Zoom Out) - LeftBumper
Map Map Display M LeftCommand
Menu Menu Display F10 RightCommand
Chat Chat Display Return -
Guide Key Guide Display F1 -
AiCommand AI Command Switch Z LeftStickButton

Key Code List (Keyboard)

Key Code Description
Shift Shift
Alt Alt
Command Command
Control Control
Escape Esc
F1 〜 F12 F1 〜 F12
Key0 〜 Key9 0 〜 9
A 〜 Z A 〜 Z
Backspace Backspace
Tab Tab
Return Return
Space Space
Insert Insert
Delete Delete
Home Home
End End
PageUp Page Up
PageDown Page Down

Key Code List (Gamepad)

Key Code Description
LeftStickButton Left Stick Click
RightStickButton Right Stick Click
LeftTrigger Left Trigger
RightTrigger Right Trigger
LeftBumper L Button
RightBumper R Button
LeftCommand BACK Button
RightCommand START Button
Action1 A
Action2 B
Action3 X
Action4 Y


*Key configuration changes will be reflected when the game starts. Please restart the game if you want to change the key configuration.

*If the format of the "keyconfig.ini" file is incorrect, the key configuration may not be applied.

*Please note that the replacement of default key codes is assumed. We cannot guarantee proper functioning if other settings are applied.

*If the game does not function correctly, we recommend re-downloading the keyconfig.ini file and reapplying the settings.

*The settings in keyconfig.ini are temporary. A user interface for input configuration will be implemented in the game soon, so please stay tuned.

Version:1.21.144   Updated:2025/02/14 10:43

System requirements

The recommended operating environment for the Windows version is as follows.

Windows 10(64bit)or higher
Intel Core i7 or higher
8GB 以上
NVIDIA GTX 1060 or higher