De:Lithe Last Memories

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Hello everyone, This is Kumon from enish.

The past week has felt incredibly long and short at the same time...

But having so much work to do and staying busy is surely a good thing! With that in mind, this update brings a wide range of new developments, including new events, feature additions and improvements, and balance adjustments.

However, I want to apologize in advance—regarding the release of GvG and the Steam version, we’ll need a little more time. Progress is being made steadily, so we ask for your patience just a bit longer.

In a new twist, we’re launching a video streaming and viewing campaign on the Mirrativ platform! It’s a great opportunity to earn those precious Logico that we all tend to run short on—don’t miss out and join in!

Now, let's dive into the details of Release Notes for Ver. 1.7.1!

Events and Campaign

As we gear up for Silver Week, we have a ton of events and campaigns lined up. Make sure to dive into Last Memories this weekend! (I'm not the best at writing in this casual tone, but I'll give it my best shot, so please bear with me!)

New Event: “2nd Unit Thrones' Struggle” (Starting 9/14)

The Second Unit specializes in medical care, and the Chief is scouted by its leader, Miyako. Meanwhile, Azumi is asked to assist with the research of a newly recovered, mysterious relic.

This event features Azumi and the Second Unit. While the subtitle gives a hint of what to expect, we wonder what kind of story will unfold. Complete various in-game missions, gather "Cait Sith Relics," spin the event roulette, and earn fantastic rewards!

Cait Sith Relics

Silver Week Campaign (Starting 9/14)

Just logging in during Silver Week is super rewarding. You’ll receive growth materials, Logico, and even ★4 DOLLs!

Mirrativ Streaming & Viewing Campaign (Starting 9/15)

We are also starting a Mirrativ collaboration campaign! Stream on Mirrativ and earn up to 1,600 Logico, or watch and comment on streams for a chance to win 400 Logico in a lottery.

The timing is perfect as Arena Season 1 is reaching its peak and the excitement is building! It’s a great opportunity to stream your epic moments and have everyone cheer you on, or watch and support your friends. You can also try pulling gacha while everyone is watching, or have fun streaming as you play through Build Mode and other regular gameplay—there's plenty to enjoy!

Take this chance to try streaming and watching on Mirrativ with Last Memories!

New Features & Improvements

Sort Improvements, Phase 1

Following last week’s filter improvements, this week we focused on sorting. Just like with filters, sorting has been standardized across functions for both DOLLs and equipment. The sorting options are designed with the Marketplace in mind, where filtering and sorting settings are most often needed.

We’ve also fixed a bug where items wouldn’t sort correctly even after being specified.

DOLL Sorting

Equipment Sorting

Help Section Expansion and Enhancement, Phase 1

On 9/12, we quietly added more information to the help section (sorry for not announcing it). We’ve added details on various features and parameters that hadn’t been disclosed before. We still need to add more images and information, so expect continuous updates.

Jukebox ver.2 (Didn't Make It in Time)

The much-awaited "Playlist Playback" and "Loop/Shuffle Settings" have been added to the Jukebox. You can select your favorite songs and loop or shuffle them as you like. Create a playlist of your favorite tunes and enjoy! For now, you can only set up one playlist.

We aimed to have this feature ready for this version, but as of 11:00 p.m. the night before, we decided to hold off on releasing it due to insufficient testing.

Balance Adjustments

Master Content Adjustments

It’s been about a month since the release, and we’ve noticed that many players' master DOLLs have been leveling up nicely. However, we’ve also recognized that the quality and reward systems for various master contents don’t quite match up.

While comprehensive improvements will take some time, we’ve made two immediate adjustments.

Adding a "Jackpot" to the Klon Dungeon

Currently, the Klon Dungeon has small, medium, and large reward settings, distinguishable by the number of King Prus that appear. We’ve now added a jackpot pattern. The amount of Klon obtained is double that of the “large” setting.

However, during a jackpot, instead of King Prus, a bunch of Golden Prus will appear right from the start. If you don’t defeat them quickly, they’ll escape. If you’re lucky enough to hit the jackpot, be sure to take them down!

Increasing the Difficulty and Rewards of Daily Dungeons

Daily Dungeons were meant to be content where players would strategize by considering floor effects, attribute compatibility, and team composition. However, the current state is that they’re too easy, and the rewards aren’t very appealing, making the content feel like a chore.

We’ve increased the difficulty (enemy attack power and durability) and tripled the rewards. With this added challenge, the rewards are more significant, so be sure to give it a try!

Major Adjustments to the Land Economy

As detailed in last week’s Producer Letter, we’ve made comprehensive adjustments to the Land Economy.

Big Boost to Daily Mission Rewards for "Play Land Dungeon"

Soon, we’re planning to adjust Land Dungeons so they drop Logico in a way similar to GEEKBOX drops. However, since that adjustment can’t be made immediately, we’ve temporarily set the "Play Land Dungeon 3 Times" daily mission to reward 100 Logico.

This will take effect from 9/15 (Sunday).

Simultaneous Level-Up for Land Dungeons and Facilities

This is to address the issue where players have no choice but to level up Land Dungeons when considering staking rewards and dungeon appeal. Please note that you can still only level up one facility at a time.

Shortening Land Facility Development Time

To help you start earning staking income from your land more quickly, we've reduced the time it takes to level up facilities to about half of what it was before.

* For facilities already in the process of leveling up before the update, the original time will still apply until the leveling up is completed.
* Land dungeon times remain unchanged from the previous settings.

Increase in Land Staking Rewards

We’ve increased staking rewards, particularly focusing on SSS, SS, and S ranks. This adjustment, combined with the reduction in dungeon play counts, aims to shift Land-related income more toward Land staking rather than Land Dungeon play.

Reduction in Maximum Plays and Invitation Tickets for Land Dungeons

We’ve adjusted the number of plays, especially focusing on SSS, SS, and S ranks. The new maximum play limits and the number of tickets that can be distributed for each Land rank are as follows:

Adjustment Results by Area Rank

Area Rank Max Plays/Day Invitation Tickets
SSS 1000 → 500 500 → 250
SS 300 → 150 100 → 70
S 100 → 60 10 → 40
A 30→ 20 30 → 25
B 10 → 10 10 → 10

Fixed Share Rate for Land Dungeons

From the perspective of Landowners, many have voiced concerns that the current situation feels like a mere price-cutting competition with no way to escape it. Until improvements are made to the play count for Land Dungeons, we will be setting a uniform fixed share rate for Landowners at the midpoint of the range, which is 4%.

Adjustments and Fine-Tuning of Battle Balance

Adjustment of Stun Frames

This is an additional measure following the recent adjustment to "stun frames for each skill to enable smoother gameplay." We have adjusted the stun frames for the unique skills of the following DOLLs:

Sana Godai, Hikari Kido, Mei Hidaka, Ayaka Tsugami, Nanami Kenzaki, Rinoa Tendo, Miko Ashihara, Aoi Kamijo, Momoka Asakura, Hotaru Akizuki, Len Ruoxi, Azumi Hongo, Ritsu Ichimonji, Wakana Minami, Kotoha Kazami, Komari Yuki, Luna Tsukuyomi, Fuka Kagawa, Setsuna Uozu, Nana Izumi, Yuki Banjo, Hina Hojo, Shiki Yaiba, Shizuku Fuwa.

Skill Balance Adjustments and Bug Fixes

Based on the play conditions of various battle contents and Arena, we have made some skill balance adjustments and bug fixes.

(Weapon Effect) Severing Victory Axe Zagan
Effect: After 3 consecutive hits, inflicts stun on all enemies within a small area. Chance of activation is n%. Prevents all actions for 3 seconds.

(Weapon Effect) Flame Commander Sword Ignite Sword
Effect: After 5 consecutive hits, inflicts Burn on all enemies within a small area. Deals damage equal to 3% of max HP every 2 seconds. Lasts for 5 seconds. Activation chance: 30%.

Reason and Changes: Both skills were too easy to trigger and too powerful, so we added a cooldown period before they can be triggered again.

(Active Skill) Grand Shield+/++
Effect: Grand Shield+ increases physical defense for a set period and adds 10% stun resistance. Grand Shield++ increases physical defense and adds 15% stun resistance.
Reason and Changes: Effects were too weak to be felt, so we adjusted them to 30% and 50%, respectively.

(Active Skill) Dive Survive+/++
Effect: Delivers a slashing wind attribute attack forward. If it hits a stunned enemy, it deals even more damage. For a certain period, normal attacks also gain a stun effect.

Reason and Changes: A stun effect was unintentionally applied to additional effects linked to normal attacks after skill use (originally, it was intended to boost damage against stunned enemies). Combined with the inherent stun effect of the unique skill, this allowed near-permanent stun effects, which significantly affected game balance. Therefore, the success rate of the additional stun effect was reduced from 100% to 10%, and its duration was changed from 3 seconds to 1 second. We also added the intended stun follow-up effect.

Bug Fixes
(Weapon Sub-Slot Effect) Cut off nerves
Effect: Increases the duration of the "Stun" status effect by +n%.
Bug: Incorrect calculation when stacked multiple times, causing the effect to be multiplied several times.

(Active Skill) Soul Blaze Up+/++
Bug: MP continuous recovery not working.

(Active Skill) Stand Firm+/++
Bug: HP does not recover when the effect ends.

(Active Skill) Divine Rock: Genbu Hexagonal Crystal
The positive and negative values for damage reduction were reversed.

(Active Skill) Stone Wall (to be fixed in the next update)
Bug: Attacks that should be blocked are getting through.

Bug Fixes

This update mainly focused on fixing minor bugs.

  • The same error message is displayed when entering text that exceeds the character limit and when entering an NG word.
  • Unable to press the Challenge button in Land Dungeons.
  • Monthly Pass remaining time is displayed for only a moment.
  • No DOLL type is displayed on the DOLL icon in the Exchange.
  • Communication error dialog appears when entering "Sacred Beast Meiseris Map (King's Revival)" solo with an account below Player Level 50.
  • A different player can unlock a Union Dungeon simultaneously during another player’s unlock.
  • Free gacha disappears if another gacha is pulled before using the free gacha.
  • Gifts can be received beyond the item possession limit via mail.
  • Only Ruby remains when text moves in the story.
  • In Build Mode, switching to chat settings from the skill selection screen and then returning makes other actions unresponsive.

Development Status Report

Union Battle (GvG)

Union Battle (GvG) was originally planned for release with Ver. 1.7.1, but we have decided to delay its release after assessing the development progress. We’ve included a video of our internal test play of the ongoing development.

The result is still pretty rough, but battles with many participants are always fun! Since this is in the development environment, there is no sound. Please imagine the BGM and sound effects in your mind as you watch!

Steam Version

We had planned for the Steam version to be released around this version, but it turns out it will take a bit longer. The reason is that the store review process takes quite a bit of time.

Steps to Release the Steam Version

To start the distribution of the Steam version, there is a rule that requires all reviews to be completed, followed by a two-week waiting period while the store page is in a 'pending' state. We are urgently working on it, but it seems it will take a little more time before the release can begin. We were a bit too eager and included it in the roadmap, but this was due to insufficient research and planning.

  • Store page review: 2-3 business days (← Currently here)
  • App review: 3-5 business days
  • After all reviews are completed, the store page must remain public for two weeks

What We’re Doing for Steam Compatibility

For Steam compatibility, we are primarily adjusting the UI/UX to ensure it is fully operable with a gamepad. This adjustment will also be applied to the PC version downloadable from the official website.

We will continue to provide updates on the development status.

That's all for this release note.

Japan has a three-day weekend starting tomorrow. We hope Last Memories can be one of the things that brings you joy during your leisure time.

Please feel free to share your thoughts (we might not be able to reply individually, but we do read everything).
"De:lithe Last Memories" Feedback Form

Thank you for your continued cheering for Last Memories!

Executive Producer
Yoshiyuki Kumon