De:Lithe Last Memories

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Hello everyone, This is Yoshiyuki Kumon from enish.

We have identified violations of our terms of service involving exploitation of in-game bugs in Last Memories. During the emergency maintenance on September 11, we addressed the root causes of these issues.

In this letter, I will explain what happened and how we responded to these issues.

I will also outline our "future course of action" and share important advice on "how to avoid becoming involved in fraud and how to identify NFTs you should avoid purchasing."

To ensure everyone can enjoy the game, please take the time to read this when you can.

About the Fraudulent Activities and Our Countermeasures

Overview of the Fraudulent Activities

Recently, we discovered that some players had exploited a bug in the game to duplicate resources and gain unfair advantages. While I will refrain from disclosing specific methods, exploiting in-game bugs for illicit gain is strictly prohibited under our service terms.

As a result of these fraudulent activities:
・Duplication of NFT DOLLs, boosting of BOX balances, and leveling up through charging and awakening were observed.
・Repeated transactions (including self-trades) were conducted in both in-game and external markets.
It was later discovered that some regular players unknowingly acquired these duplicated and leveled-up NFT DOLLs through the marketplace.

Measures Already Taken

During the emergency maintenance two days ago, the bug that led to these fraudulent activities was fixed. We also took the following actions:

Suspension Actions

  • Accounts involved in fraudulent activities were suspended (banned).
  • NFT DOLLs created or leveled up through fraudulent activities, which had not yet been transferred to regular players, were frozen (reset to their state before being revealed).

Information Correction Actions

For NFTs already owned by regular players, the following steps were taken:

  • The inflated BOX balances were reduced to their correct maximum value.
  • We reimbursed the MATIC used to purchase the affected NFT DOLLs to the players' in-game wallets (this is being done on a case-by-case basis).

Considering that some players may have unknowingly purchased these items, we prioritized allowing them to retain their NFTs. We recognize that the game bug caused this issue, and our response reflects our commitment to protecting the interests of affected players. We appreciate your understanding of our decision, which aims to maintain the integrity of the game while respecting players' experiences.

Future Policy

Our Future Approach

In this instance, we have made every effort to ensure that players who unknowingly purchased resources generated through fraudulent means do not suffer any negative consequences.

Going forward, if NFTs or other resources created through similar exploits or system vulnerabilities are purchased, there may be cases where the player's account is suspended, depending on the circumstances. Additionally, there may still be some NFTs created through fraudulent activities that were not identified in this round of actions. If such NFTs are discovered in the future, we may take necessary measures without prior notice.

We will not only suspend accounts or remove in-game items for players engaging in such fraudulent activities, but we may also pursue legal action depending on the severity. Please be aware that deliberately exploiting bugs to gain unfair advantages could lead to criminal charges or civil liability for damages.

How to Identify NFTs with Abnormal BOX Balances

To avoid purchasing fraudulent NFTs, we have provided two ways to identify NFTs with inflated BOX balances: a quick check version and a detailed verification version.

Note: There can be legitimate cases where BOX balances are increased through official methods. These guidelines are just for reference.

Quick Check Version

To perform a quick check, compare the ADP with the BOX balance. The BOX balance and ADP are generally set at similar value levels. Since the ADP cannot be inflated, if the BOX balance is significantly higher than the ADP, it could be a red flag.

As a guideline, the ADP value is typically around 500 (from the Engraved BOX) or 1200 (from the pre-sale), and the balance rarely exceeds 500. If it exceeds four digits, it's almost certainly a fraudulent item. Even this basic check can help identify problematic items.

Detailed Verification Version

For a detailed verification, check the earn level, BOX balance, Genesis bonus, and ADP values, as the baseline values vary by token ID range.

・Token ID 1 〜 9725, 10086 〜 11321 (from the pre-sale gacha)

・Token ID 9726 〜 10085 (from the pre-sale auction)

・Token ID the others (from the Engraved Box)

This detailed check may be cumbersome, so even a quick version check should suffice. Since NFTs are not cheap, taking a little time to check before purchasing would be greatly appreciated.

The current issue stems from a bug in the game, and we apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused.

However, we cannot overlook actions that exploit these bugs for personal gain, nor can we ignore the fact that genuine players may inadvertently get caught up in these activities without realizing it.

To help avoid such situations, please use the "How to Identify NFTs" guidelines outlined in this letter to protect yourselves.

If you have any comments or questions about this issue, or anything else, please feel free to reach out.
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We appreciate your continued cheering for Last Memories!

Executive Producer,
Yoshiyuki Kumon