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Hello to all of you who have been cheering Last Memories!
This is Kumon from enish.

It’s been about ten days since the release of Last Memories. The development team is still working tirelessly around the clock, and although we’re starting to feel a bit worn out, the support, feedback, and encouragement we’ve received from various channels have kept us going. We couldn’t have done it without you.

This past weekend, we made some adjustments to the GEEKBOX drop rates based on your feedback and our data analysis. While the adjustments involved a slight decrease, most of you agreed that this change was necessary to create a healthier gaming environment. It was reassuring to see that many players prioritize a balanced experience over potential disadvantages.

Regarding the Arena official tournament, which has received a lot of feedback, we’ve decided to reset it to ensure overall fairness. For more details, please refer to the related announcements.

The feedback and suggestions we’ve received from you have been invaluable, often pointing out things we hadn’t considered. I’m personally very grateful for your input, and we’ll be using it to guide future adjustments and designs. Thank you for your continued support.

Now, I’d like to share some of our upcoming update plans, looking ahead to the next few months.

Development and Operation Roadmap

※Note: The token listing dates are tentative. We will announce the official dates as soon as they are confirmed.

App Version Update Policy

We plan to update the app weekly for the foreseeable future. This will allow us to not only implement major planned developments but also address daily issues, improve usability, and fix bugs as they arise.

The roadmap doesn’t list minor version updates, so you may notice some gaps in the version numbers.

Operation Plan Policy

We aim to hold events every two weeks and plan to increase the player level cap and add new build mode stages every few months. In between, we’ll also be expanding existing content, such as map dungeons and stages.

New Features and Content

Let me explain some of the new features and content listed in the roadmap. Please note that these are preliminary ideas and may be adjusted, revised, or changed. Here’s what we’re currently considering.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome, so please feel free to share your ideas with us.


Union Dungeon (Master Mode)

Planned to be released just before version 1.5. The Union Dungeon is a weekly boss battle where all Union members can participate together.

Filter & Sort Improvements

We’ll be improving the filter and sort functions for DOLLs, equipment, and the marketplace to enhance usability. This will make it easier to find what you’re using or want to use. We plan to continue refining these functions for even better user experience.

Arena Improvements

As mentioned in previous announcements, we’ll be unifying the update time to 4:00 AM (JST) and implementing measures to prevent forced app shutdowns, which have been used for cheating. We also plan to address the feedback that it’s difficult to distinguish between enemies and allies.。


Jukebox Enhancements

We’ll be adding the ability to select multiple tracks for shuffle play in the jukebox. If we have the resources, we’d also like to support playlist creation.

Glory Battle (GvG) (Master Mode)

Glory Battle is a large-scale player-versus-player content where Unions battle each other. Unions will bid on battlefields each Friday, and the winning Unions will be able to participate. Due to limited development time, this may be released as a "beta version."

We’d also like to provide a “practice mode” where Unions can have friendly matches anytime, but this will depend on our available resources.

Steam Release (Goal)

Here’s some new information! Based on player trends, we’ve realized that expanding the PC play environment is essential. This is also crucial for strengthening our approach to the global market.

While this is still a goal, we’re targeting this version to release a Steam version of the game. However, since Steam doesn’t allow Play-to-Earn games, this version will be a pure PC game without any earning features.


Return of the King (Master Mode)

This is a high-difficulty content that will be added to the map dungeons. It’s a battle with an extremely powerful boss, so we recommend playing in multiplayer for coordinated play.

If you win, there’s a chance to obtain a very powerful accessory. There’s also a low chance that a BOX containing this accessory will drop

Raid Battle (Master Mode)

This is a single-player content where you’ll battle a powerful boss. The boss’s HP is set to be infinite, and the goal is to compete with other players for the total damage dealt.

While the battle itself is single-player, if you belong to a Union, there will be special reward slots called raid missions for the Union. Additionally, there will be rankings based on the total damage dealt by each Union, so we encourage you to join a Union and participate in this content.

Mirage Labyrinth (Master Mode)

This is a single-player content where you’ll explore an endless dungeon. It starts at a very low difficulty, and the challenge increases with each floor. The goal is to reach the highest floor possible. If you progress far enough, you’ll be able to start from that floor in your next attempt.


Costume Feature (Tentative)

This is a feature that many of you have requested since before the release. We’re considering allowing DOLLs with multiple outfits to have separate appearances and stats.

For example, you could use the parameters of “[Fourth Unit] Shizuku Fuwa” while playing with the appearance of “[2024 Summer Swimsuit Collection] Shizuku Fuwa.” Due to the structure of skills, if the weapon types differ, the appearance of the weapon will match the DOLL with the stats you’re using.

This meas you can enjoy the game with your favorite appearance without being restricted bystats.

Elysian Abyss (Master Mode)

This is multiplayer content similar to a daily dungeon. Players can automatically match (or pre-assemble a party) to take on battles. The battles are exploration-based, making it easy to enjoy multiplayer gameplay.

Battle Royale (Master Mode)

Multiple players will enter the same field and compete to be the last one standing in this multiplayer PvP content. We hope to eventually hold official tournaments, similar to the Arena tournaments.

This roadmap only includes the major updates. We’ll share more specific details along with the development progress in future updates.

That’s all for this week. If this letter has gotten you excited, that makes me incredibly happy.

So much has happened in just 10 days since the release... Last Memories is a very ambitious title, packed with features and large in scale, with many first-time challenges for us. We’re aware that this may have caused some inconvenience for those who have been with us from the beginning, and we feel a deep responsibility for that.

At the same time, we’re committed to fixing bugs, balancing the game and tokenomics, and adjusting event rules without cutting any corners. We’re also preparing for exciting new content in the future. We hope you’ll continue to join us on this journey.

We’ve set up a form for reporting bugs and submitting suggestions, so if you notice anything, please let us know.

Thank you for your continued cheering for Last Memories.

Executive Producer
Yoshiyuki Kumon