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Hello to all of you who have been cheering Last Memories! This is Kumon from enish.

It’s been a week since the official release, and in that time, I’ve seen so much feedback about Last Memories through social media posts, video streams, app store reviews, and the direct messages we’ve received. Some comments have been incredibly encouraging, while others have made me reflect on how we can do better. It’s been an emotional week, to say the least.

But, I’m thrilled to see that more and more people are discovering, supporting, and enjoying Last Memories. Personally, my desire to make Last Memories even better has never been stronger, and I know the rest of the development team feels the same way.

While I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the issues we’ve encountered, I believe we’ve been able to address many of the bugs and implement improvements based on your feedback at a steady pace.

We’re committed to continuing to develop and operate Last Memories to ensure it’s a game that everyone can love for a long time.

Now, onto this update, which focuses on improving the “playability” of the game. Although each change might seem small on its own, they are essential steps to ensure a better long-term gaming experience.

Details of the Improvements

Improvement points

1. Revised Tutorial Structure

We’ve restructured the early game experience, with the following major changes:

  • Battles now begin with four characters right from the start.
  • Players can now draw from the gacha immediately after the Unknown Battle with Black Hair.

These changes mean that players will experience the gacha much earlier, and the difficulty of battles after the tutorial has been significantly reduced since players will no longer be fighting with just one character. The other DOLLs will provide substantial support, making it easier to progress.

This decision came after much discussion within the team. Ultimately, we decided that it was more important for players to first experience the charm of the DOLL characters rather than focusing on the original intention of slowly advancing through rogue-like battles by trial and error.

We haven’t adjusted the overall battle difficulty. Instead, the rogue-like challenge will gradually become more apparent as you acquire more DOLLs.

2. Improved Battle Feel

We’ve received various feedback regarding the feel of battles. In this update, we’ve made adjustments aimed at reducing the stress and frustration some players have experienced during gameplay.

Reduced Post-Action Lag Frames (Stress Reduction)

We’ve shortened the delay after skill activation, allowing for smoother transitions into movement or the next skill. This adjustment should help reduce the feeling of sluggishness during combat.

Adjusted Cancel Frames for Certain Attack Actions (Stress Reduction)

We’ve fine-tuned the input buffer during skill activation, making it easier to queue up your next action while a skill is still being performed. Combined with the reduced lag frames mentioned above, this should create a more responsive combat experience.

Adjusted Player and Monster Collision Dynamics (Frustration Reduction)

Previously, players could be overpowered by monsters in situations like being pinned against a wall by a horde of goblins, making it impossible to escape. With this update, players can now push back against monsters, allowing for an escape route even when surrounded.

Added Warning Indicators for Additional Attacks by Stationary Monsters like Pazuzu (Frustration Reduction)

Some monsters had attacks without any warning signs, leading to situations where players might not understand why they were defeated. While this could be seen as a gameplay challenge, we decided that certain monsters had attacks that were too difficult. We’ve now added brief warning indicators to these attacks.

Please note that not all monster behaviors have been adjusted in this update. We’ll continue to monitor and make further adjustments as necessary.

3. Temporary Support for Key Configurations on the PC Version

Custom key configurations were one of the most requested features from our PC players. This update includes a temporary solution that allows you to customize key settings via a configuration file.

However, this customization cannot be done directly within the game yet. You’ll need to edit the text file yourself, which might be a bit challenging for some. Rest assured, you can still assign keys as needed. We plan to integrate this feature directly into the game in a future update.

Detailed instructions on how to configure the settings are available on the PC version’s download site.

Special Site Link:
About Keyconfig

4. Added Skill Reallocation Function for Master DOLLs

This was another highly requested feature. You can now freely swap and save the positions of acquired skills for each Master DOLL.

By organizing the skill buttons according to your preferences, gameplay can feel more intuitive.

5. Added Remaining GEEKBOX Indicator

Since we recently increased the drop rate of GEEKBOX, they’ve been selling out quickly, often before the six-hour reset period ends.

Until now, only the remaining amount was displayed in Land Dungeons. However, since the Land Dungeon, Build Mode, and Exploration Unit each have separate limits, it was unclear whether you could still earn GEEKBOX rewards until after playing. With this update, a remaining amount indicator has been added, similar to the one in Land Dungeons.

6. Story Skip Feature Now Shows a Summary

When skipping story segments, a brief summary will now be displayed. If you’re short on time, you can quickly check the summary and review the full story later in the Album.

7. Gamepad Support for Story Display

Story segments can now be navigated entirely with a gamepad. Even when a story event occurs during Build Mode, there’s no need to switch to a mouse or tap the screen.

Bug Fixes

  • The event exchange shop now displays the number of items you own.
  • The priority display for items that have reached their exchange limit has been adjusted in the event exchange shop.
  • Other bug fixes.

Unresolved Issues

Payment Error in Cashback Gacha

We are aware of a bug where a “payment error” message appears even though the payment was processed correctly. We’re still investigating the root cause and ask for your patience while we work on a fix.

That’s all for now.

Thank you for your continued cheering for Last Memories.

Executive Producer
Yoshiyuki Kumon