De:Lithe Last Memories

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Hello to all of you who have been supporting Last Memories.
This is Kumon of enish.

Today is the 13th. There are only two days left until the official release date. The development team is extremely busy. We had hoped to release this article on Monday as much as possible, but we decided to delay the explanation by one day because of the work that has been piling up and because there are more things that we are about to tell you. Sorry for the delay.

This is a very exciting report as we have prioritized our work. As always, it will be long, but please take a look.

Well, continuing on from last week, this week we are sending you another free-format development report. There are three main topics this time.

1. Additional Improvement Items from Last Week
2. Report on Land
3. Status of bug/glitch handling

1. Additional Improvement Items from Last Week

First of all, here are a few items that we have improved in order to further increase quality.

・Addition of “Training Mode”

This feature was made possible by consultation with participants at a recent private meetup.

We have received requests for an environment in which players can check the usability and effectiveness of various skills in advance when challenging versus players and high difficulty content.

We have added a special stage called “Training Mode” to the map dungeon with no limit on the number of times you can use it. Please note that this is an addition to the master mode and map dungeon, so it will be a test of the completed master DOLLs.

Please watch the video to see how it actually plays.

・Completed implementation of karaoke version on “Jukebox”.

As we mentioned last week, the “jukebox” can now be set to a karaoke version of the sound source.

You can enjoy it as a version without singing for a change, or play it while singing, or use the rock numbers as battle background music. You can now enjoy the music of the DOLLs 200%.

Seeing is believing (or rather, I would like you to listen to it), please take a look at the video once.

Please turn on the sound and enjoy!
Some of the songs are not karaoke because only the intro part is played and the singing part is not played. Please just enjoy the atmosphere of the song.

・Keypad/controller and keyboard support expansion

All battle functions can now be played using only the keypad. In addition, keyboard functions that were not assigned to the keypad have also been assigned.

・The expression “time is up” is easy to understand.

This is the second case reported last week. Please see the video of the staging when time expires (time up).

The situation where you don't know why you failed when time runs out should be eliminated.

・Get a closer look at the DOLLs.

I didn't report this, but this is a project that has been in the works since last week. In fact, you can now get closer to the DOLL you are operating on at home (in the base) than in the prior play version.

For what? Please don't ask me such a wild question. When you see this on a PC connected to a large screen display, you will say, “Oh!

・Story progression guide added

When progressing through the story, you may have to talk to a DOLL or NPC somewhere in the base.

In the past, you had to kind of wander around to find them, but now you can look at the guide to see what you want to do next and tap to jump to it.

The guide is actually displayed around the left center of each image above for reference.

・To issue a warning when the NFT is used as a material for awakening.

This is one of a series of requests we have received from prior plays.

We have received many comments that when an NFT DOLL or equipment is set as a material for awakening, we would like to be able to see that the NFT is the material before execution.

In the case of NFT to NFT, the balance is charged, etc. However, when the awakening source is non-NFT and the material is NFT, the balance is not preserved and is simply consumed. To help prevent unintentional accidents, a warning is displayed before execution.

・Cost of DOLLs and equipment awakening, etc. was limited to xGEEK → modified to logico priority

This is more of a bug, but it is an important item and is listed as a change.

In the pre-play version, the cost required for raising DOLLs and equipment above a certain rarity, etc. was limited to xGEEKs because the fix was not made in time.

Since xGEEK is a currency that can only be obtained through P2E or by paying a fee, it creates a divide between players who do not pay and those who do. To prevent this, we designed the game to prioritize the consumption of logicos, which are basically rare but distributed for free.

In the official version, we have modified the design to restore it to its original state.

・Setting the Gacha Ceiling

Since the pre-play version was designed to provide a free, unlimited billing experience, the gacha was offered without a ceiling setting.

In the official version, a ceiling setting will be set for each certain number of times, such as for a specific rarity or for a specific pickup.

・Skill balance adjustment

We have adjusted the balance of some skills.

- Adjustment of charge time for charge-based attack skills

Charging skills require the user to maintain a certain distance from the enemy while charging, since the user is unprotected while charging.

While playing the game, I found that the charge time is too long for the enemy's movement speed, making it very difficult to “keep a good distance and run away after activating”.

For offensive skills, we have adjusted the overall charge time to 60%-70% so that the player can launch skills at the appropriate time.

- Various individual adjustments

Unique Skill

  • The cool time of Hina Hojo's “Van der Waals Force” skill has been adjusted so that it can be used more quickly.
  • Yuki Banjo's unique skill, “You Humble Ones, Lie on the Ground,” has been adjusted to make it easier to take enemy hate when using it.
  • Increased the power of Luna Tsukiyomi's unique skill “Mysteriously Falling Space”

Common skills

  • The lightning attribute magic skill “Narukami” has been changed to have a slight knockback when attacking an enemy.
  • The duration of the stun effect granted by the non-attribute physical skill “Stun Rush” has been reduced.
  • The duration of the invincibility status granted by the nonattribute buffing skill “Demon, Come Here” has been adjusted so that it lasts for a shorter period of time.
  • The area of damage caused by the earth-based magic skill “Stone Wall” when it evolves has been expanded.
  • When the water attribute physical skill “Terra Tidal Wave” evolves, the area of additional damage it produces has been expanded.
  • When the fire attribute physical skill “Flaming Whirlwind” evolves, it has been adjusted so that each time it is used, a cool time is generated.


  • Increased the amount of MP recovered in the third stage of normal attacks.
  • Slightly adjusted the power of some skills
  • Adjusted MP consumption of some skills

2. Report on Partial Specification Changes to Nanotech Labs at Land Facility

One of the Land facilities, the “Nanotech Lab,” has the feature that the DOLLl's basic parameters are corrected as it is owned and raised to Lv.

Since the end of the last sale, we have received the following comments from people who own Land facilities.

  • There will be a difference in combat power that can never be filled by owning or not owning a nanotech lab.
  • The difference will be too unfair to players who start playing after the release of the NFT, and in some cases, it may lead to the risk of shying away from playing the game.

In the actual game design, the impact at the low facility lvl stage is quite small, and it takes a reasonable amount of time to grow up. The scale of influence of parameters is also designed so that the overall influence of growth in elements other than the nanotech lab is greater, so that the influence is not so great as to be perceived as unfair.

Nevertheless, there is no denying that the impression and bad publicity could make it feel unfair. We have decided to make some changes to the specifications, taking into account that the recommendations are coming from those of you who actually own Land.

Before: nanotech lab parameter increase applies to all content

After modification: The increase of nanotech lab's parameters does not apply to the battle against an opponent (Arena (PvP), Glory War (GvG)).

The policy will be effective in single-play and cooperative play, and will not apply to competitive and competitive play.

We understand that this is a change that will be detrimental to those who have purchased the game, but we ask for your understanding that this is a measure to promote the overall health and excitement of the economy.

3. Status of Bugs and Defects

Lastly, I would like to discuss bugs and bug fixes. The progress on the items reported last week is as follows

・Items that are still pending

Regarding the Nintendo Gamepad, we found out that the library (reusable program set) for the Gamepad that we are currently using is not compatible with the Nintendo Gamepad, so we will need to either support it on our own or replace the library.

While we understand that there are many of you who are eagerly awaiting the release, we have decided that it is not realistic to respond to this issue in the time remaining. We hope to address this after the release of the product, so please wait.

Other pending items are items that we have decided that we have to lower the priority of responding to compared to other items. We have decided not to address these items until the release of the product.

・Known Issues During Early Test Play

・Issues Fixed During Early Test Play

・Issues Discovered and Reported During Early Test Play

・Summary of Bugs and Defects Addressed

Listed above are the large items that are easy to understand, but we have also fixed more than 200 other bugs and glitches in the past week.

Finally, we would like to report the current status of tickets, even though it is just before release.

SS tickets are rare bugs that are difficult to reproduce, and we would like to find the cause and complete it before the release if possible.

If possible, we would like to submit one more application at the end to improve the quality as much as possible.

22:39 Postscript
And, when I finished writing, I received a notice that two of the rare bugs were probably resolved. If one more application is approved, we will be able to start service with that version.

That is all for this explanation. How was it?

As mentioned above, we have been fixing bugs and making improvements based on requests for improvements, and at this very last minute, just before the release of the game, I feel that the game is getting much better. I would like to thank the members of the team who have been working hard on the development of the game, and I would like to deliver the game to everyone as soon as possible.

On the other hand, for Last Memories, an online game, the release date is not a goal but a start. We would like to deliver a new game experience to everyone who has been interested in the title through our past promotions, as well as to those who will pick up the game in the future.

First of all, we will make further preparations to ensure a successful launch on August 15.

Thank you for your continued support of Last Memories.

*Please send us a message of support, we would love to hear from you!
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Executive Producer
Yoshiyuki Kumon